We’re hosting our fun, nerdy nights on the first Wednesday of EVERY MONTH.
Our next event is 4 October at Little Andromeda (back for the rest of the year!).

4 October Speakers

“Peer Review Review”
by Christoph Bartneck

The peer review process is essential to modern science. Researchers conduct studies and submit their results to a journal. An editor manages a review process involving external experts. But what happens when you study the peer review process itself. How do scientific organisations react when they become the subject of an experiment? Not well, to say the least.

Dr. Christoph Bartneck is an associate professor in the department of Computer Science and Software Engineering at the University of Canterbury.  His interests lie in the fields of Human-Computer Interaction, Science and Technology Studies, and Visual Design. He is a passionate science communicator and the press regularly reports on his work, including the New Scientist, Scientific American, Popular Science, Wired, New York Times and the BBC.


“Fatphobia 101: why we hate fat people”
by Kelsie Inglis

Why does the F-bomb roll off the tongue more effortlessly than the word ‘fat’? Why do we invest excessive time and resources to avoid being fat? And why do we discriminate against those who are? Let’s dissect the historical, cultural, and bias-driven elements of fatphobia, and challenge the norms perpetuating this socially acceptable prejudice.

Kelsie is a strategist, podcaster, fat woman and strong advocate for the use of both f-words. When she’s not on her soapbox about fat acceptance and inclusion, she is the General Manager at Publica, a strategic development and creative agency here in Ōtautahi. 


“Full Moon Syndrome: medical superstitions and you”
by Robin Page

Being a first responder is hard. You have to battle killer bugs, short staffing… and the moon?! Maybe the astrologists are onto something after all…

Robin is a medical nerd who owns 8 different helmets, two different lightsabers, and has strong opinions on his favourite flavour of energy drink. When not stitching up the general public at christchurch hospital, he wears his underwear on the outside and fights crime alongside a certain reclusive caped crusader but secretly wishes the man in question would put some of that money towards the emergency department social fund instead.